Monday, February 28, 2022


 Some students loved and some hated wearing school uniform but, banning school uniforms is not a solution. When all students wear uniforms there is a big tendency that the students will focus on learning and students can avoid wearing weekend style dress. School uniform must not be banned because a school uniform is part of our school identity. And without having a school uniform will make a school become disorder insight of many people.

 Some opponents feel that school uniforms limit student creativity and do not allow students to fully express themselves. Relying solely on clothes as a means of expression is sadly superficial. Individuality should be shown through one's 

ideas, behavior, and personality. Some say that school uniforms are uncomfortable

 Students who wear school uniforms appear more professional because of the outfit that they are wearing which is the school uniforms, they should be of the mindset that it is time to learn and they would thus take their studies more seriously. Students who wear school uniforms are cleaner to see and it will represent the identity of the school, it is also catchier and more disciplined to see if students have only one style of uniform. Wearing a uniform is also fresh in eye less sight fashion and less cost. Students can continue to express their style and personality while wearing a school uniform.

 Therefore, there are students who agree and disagree with banning school uniform but for me, we should not ban the school uniform because it is more beautiful and gorgeous to see having and wearing a school uniform. School uniform is very important because by school uniform we can pay more attention to our lesson and less to fashion.

  And last but not least, the uniform is the most important of all because here you are. I can see that you want to achieve something in your life. For example, if you are a person who doesn't want to wear uniforms, how will they treat you if you don't want to wear a uniform? if you study so what does it mean to say that the student has a twin in the uniform so don't throw it away or whatever take care of it because this is where your dream comes from